Monday, October 29, 2012

Snake Run - LP


Finally, someone does justice to the Snake Run demo. The tracks were remastered and pressed to vinyl by the wonderful Amos. He is also putting out the Gag, Nudes, Grimace, and Adjustment records so he is really hooking it up. Much love to this great man. If you aren't familiar with Snake Run you better get familiar fast. Below is a link to my original post of the demo tape where you can download it and as a special bonus I included a comp track that used to be up on the Legitimate Bros website (now defunct... I think). The comp track is way fucking good. Wild organ at the beginning and an opening riff that sounds just like "Got the Time" that Anthrax covers on Persistence of Time, can't remember the original artist. I guess there are a couple other tracks Terry dug up that Amos is going to release as well. Never before heard Snake Run? Count me in.





Demo Tape

Comp Track

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