Martin from Limp Wrist, Crudos, Needles, etc. printed some limited shirts! Check them out at his store here. Martin told me to pass the good word that if you order a GAG shirt and mention that Jeff recommended it he'll shave off five bucks so hit that up!
Check it out!
Monday, December 1, 2014
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Bad Blood - Demo CS

Sorry it took so long to get this up here but here it is! Bad Blood is a long distance project I started with some friends in Chicago. We played Ralph's Not Normal Showcase in Chicago then played OHC and toured the West Coast with Tercer Mundo. Bad Blood will be touring again in February in Mexico. Tapes are available here and I still have some T shirts so shoot me an email. You'll be hearing more soon.

Coneheads - Canadian Cone

Here is the second installment in the Conehead's Legacy. In my four day stay in Indiana and my trip up to Toronto with the boys I was made privy to some of Mark's new projects underway; you all are in for some pleasant surprises. I'm leaving town again tomorrow so I only have a second to put some stuff up but be ready for much more. The new cassette features fresh cuts, a Talking Heads cover, and a special guest spot by abductee 'Cal'. We are from France.

Thursday, November 13, 2014
Olympia Hardcore

With the help of my man Stevie the Olympia Hardcore website is up and running! Lots of stuff still to upload but if you need a hub to keep tabs on the South Puget Sound music scene here it is. Stream music and check out new projects! Oursound 2.0. It's about damn time.
Check It Out
Vacant State - Chains Test Press

I made a trip up to Canada to hang out with the boys in BC and boy do I miss it up there. By this time you already know who Vacant State is by their flawless release track record. Perfect band with one more perfect record. Thanks so much Big Purp for the test press you are the man. Stoked to pit to these new songs at Not Dead Yet this year. I'll put up art and lyrics when I pick up a copy of the record after it's released.

Convict - Live CS

Convict is recording this weekend so be prepared y'all. Convict is a new hardcore band from Olympia Mitch and I started features members of Bone Sickness and all the bands I am working on. For fans of hard hardcore here is a live set Tom from Snob recorded at our second show. All our demo songs we're gonna record minus one plus Negative Approach "Genocide" and SS Decontrol "Get It Away" covers. Enjoy. This cassette is a very special limited one out of one release for Riley's birthday.
Turtle Neck - Demo Tape

Here it is in all it's glory! The Turtle Neck demo tape! Well, almost. These are rough recordings of the first six songs I wrote for T Neck way back on Adjustment Tour when the band was barely conceptualized. Taylor and I wanted to start a skate punk band together drawing influences from UK82 and 77 punk and here's what we've produced. All the lyrics are golden and all the homies are shredders. Featuring Blen Davidson of Noping fame. Demos released in Candy Corn colors with some limited black ones for a Halloween cover show where we played Agression, Fear, JFA, Suicidal, Adolescents, Mondo Aggro with Rob singing, HIV and Board Youth. Lace up those sneakers and be a fucking kid. Art by Riley Kerr of Cop Rot. Watch the music video here.

Technicolor Teeth - Sage

I picked up this record last year on the GAG full US in Wisconsin when we played with Tenement. I had heard some Technicolor Teeth stuff and knew it was Amos' solo thing but didn't know how fucking incredible this record was going to be. Definitely my favorite release by far. It's absolute MBV worship in the best way possible. Totally hit the nail on the head while still maintaining original song writing and sound. I can't believe how much I love it. It's got that dreamy, spacey crunch we all know and love and I'm guessing he used an fx90 for this stuff because it sounds like it was recorded straight up with Kevin Shields' gear. The melody on 'Sage' and the 'Glider'-esque loopy sound on 'Stolen Things' are to die for. As far as I know this is the only rip of this record that exists on the internet, give it a listen you won't be disappointed.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Coneheads - Demo 2014

Here it is in all its glory. The full seven tracks that make up the glorious Coneheads demo. I can't stop listening to it. Absolutely infectious. What a great release to close off the year. Best new band.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Los Monjo - la Vida Que Todos Envidian

Very excited to have scored a copy of this awesome LP! I first heard Los Monjo on the Brutales Matanzas comp along with other contemporary Mexican hardcore hard hitters Crimen, Ratas De Vaticano, Margaritos etc. etc. Their two tracks on the comp really stood out to me. These brothers deliver that rockin' edge with almost a hint of French Oi. This LP doesn't disappoint and is in a similar vein. Somewhat like a stripped down Eskorbuto, tracks like "Rock Basura" will have you redefining the term punk rock. Pick up this dystopian hardcore punk while it's still available in the US.

Coneheads - Demo CS

I was asked to hold off on this one because it's not the final copy of the demo just a rough mix missing a track but these four tracks have been all I've jammed heading to work every day. I've found myself listening to the track on the B side the most actually. This stuff is infectious. Somewhere between Dow Jones and the Industrials and Devo; More akin to C.C.T.V. than any of Mark's other projects, somewhere in the coned nether regions of Hot Beef. Prepare for a stimulated cone.
Here's the first track from the tape:
Big Zit - S/T 7"

Ho-ly shit. The holy grail of hardcore craziness. If you sleep on this release you sleep on some absolute insanity. Download this record. Seriously. Even if you have no idea what this is. I can't even understand how good it is. B side is gonna rock your pants off. I was absolutely overwhelmed with excitement bringing the boys out to the West Coast for the OHC fest. They played two shows at the fest and an aftershow in our garage with Beta Boys and Tercer Mundo which started at 130am and somehow no cops got called. Here's to the boys from the Midwest. Miss y'all.

Ooze - S/T 7"

Three new Ooze ragers and three re-recorded old ones. Mark keeps the tradition going with all that Ooze should be for a legitimate release. I guess technically this is the first real one ever. And goddamn! So very much worth the wait. I've been holding onto these discs spinning them like crazy waiting for the good work from Mark to fucking release the beast. This is it. My favorite band in contemporary hardcore punk. Feast on this. Kinda weird but the covers are actually a kind of brown color but my scanner just didn't pick it up.

Ooze - Test Press
Monday, September 1, 2014
DiE - 7" EP

Daaaamn, when I first heard this EP I was all about it. Perfect guitar tone. Perfect. They nailed it, it's '83 all over again. The icing on the cake is that Liam is in it and he is the goddamn homie. Bruddahs from 'across the pond', the UK's DiE has it going on. If you haven't heard this 7" yet I feel sorry for you.

Contingent - Demo CS

Unintentional theme going on with this string of posts but here's is the Contingent cassette. Took me a minute to put my finger on this one. Wild intro into a bass lead laden with chorus then into a hard ass sounding Oi feel with some melodic hooks over it. Contingent is its own jam for sure. Reminiscent of many, if not all, cuts on foreign Oi comps. Bad Blood played with Koward in Oakland, Bricklayer and Cop Rot played with them in Olympia and Gag played with them in Seattle so I got the chance to see Mark again. I mentioned he needs to sing for a band again and he said he did so I picked up the tape haha. Worth the three bucks for the track "Killer on the Loose" alone. Not sold on the chorus on the bass, I feel like a clean tone would be less distracting but goddamn if I don't love it.

Kid Chrome - CS

Here's a top secret little treat for you guys. Kid Chrome is a certain fellow from Seattle's solo project he recorded all on his own in the practice space one night on a four track. I will never reveal his secret identity but he is a prolific member of the Seattle hardcore punk powerhouse. Kid Chrome is that heel clickin' rock'n'rollin party lubricant y'all know and love. Some bluesy jams, some Stiv Bators on heavy rotation, a healthy dose of the Sonics, a twin reverb and boots to get loose. 'Mobbin' always gets 'Nervous' by the Big Boys stuck in my head for some reason. Not sure why. I heard Kid Chrome can be seen driving around Seattle in an old timey car yelling along to his own songs.

Iron Youth - 7" EP

The band before Glue and here it is for you. The 7" is now available and it's more of the Iron Youth you got from the tape released much earlier with a little bit or an eerie turn (see 'elude' and well, every track really). White Wards and Gag had the pleasure of playing with these boys and Blotter when we first rolled through Austin. It was supposed to be Glue's first show actually but it didn't happen. Jangly clean guitar and harsh vocal delivery. Stoked to have finally gotten a copy to jam from Mose.

Criminal Code - No Device

Alright man so here it is, the make or break for a band, the first LP. If your first LP flops its gonna be a sad story. Fortunately for Criminal Code their first LP kills it. I should also mention "Cold Thought" is a mini 7 track LP so I'm not counting it as a full length release. This bad boy is what we're talkin' about. Starts off with some really cool mesmerizing guitar work in 'Dilemmas'. The title track 'No Device' is a really cool concept. I like a lot of the lyrics on this release. Life in general and punk platitudes call-out. The record really takes a cool turn with 'Exit/Entry' and 'Flagstone'. You hear it suggested a little earlier on in 'No Device' but it gets a little dreamy. I wonder if 'Graven Image' has any allusion to the '83 punk band? They had some pretty wild lyrics. Also Taiga's seem to deal a lot with rejecting christianity on this release and I wonder if that has an intentional bearing. Also there's the ominous square again and this time it's burning? The B side gets much more daunting and dismal but then beefs up again when it hits 'Sacred Hands' which you should remember from my last post. 'Corrosive' gets real abrasive and hard hitting then the LP gets capped off with 'Attempts Fail Completely'. Pat yourselves on the back boys because you guys successfully created a crazy integration of punk and made it all your own. Some dreamy shit, some later revolution summer Swiz/Shudder to Think kinda stuff, some Du of course, some grungy rock, some 90s alternative and that cornerstone of punk.

Criminal Code - Sacred Hands b/w Distressed Dreams

Ok so I gotta say, aside from the demo tape I think this is my favorite Criminal Code release. It starts off blasting straight out of the gate with the hardest hitting track you've heard from them yet. The title track is intense and features some delay and compression in the bridge that sounds really cool. The B side is fucking awesome. Super dark and gloomy with a little more flange in da reverb effect department. No frills, big things come in plain packaging. This shit is great.
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