I picked up this record last year on the GAG full US in Wisconsin when we played with Tenement. I had heard some Technicolor Teeth stuff and knew it was Amos' solo thing but didn't know how fucking incredible this record was going to be. Definitely my favorite release by far. It's absolute MBV worship in the best way possible. Totally hit the nail on the head while still maintaining original song writing and sound. I can't believe how much I love it. It's got that dreamy, spacey crunch we all know and love and I'm guessing he used an fx90 for this stuff because it sounds like it was recorded straight up with Kevin Shields' gear. The melody on 'Sage' and the 'Glider'-esque loopy sound on 'Stolen Things' are to die for. As far as I know this is the only rip of this record that exists on the internet, give it a listen you won't be disappointed.

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