Turtle Neck - CS Demo
Convict - Demo
Nudes - New 7"
Gag - New single on Iron Lung
New Violent Reaction 7"
etc. etc. I don't know, I got stacks of shit all over my "room". Gag will be on the West Coast with Houston's Back To Back from Thursday to July 10th. See y'all around. Close man to my heart and many many others Samuel Satori Silverstein passed away recently. Between four days at a hospital visiting him in critical condition, a memorial service, and two of the best benefit shows I've ever had the bittersweet pleasure of being a part of, my life is forever changed. RIP the Rattlesnake, miss you and love you buddy. I will be releasing the unreleased HIV LP very soon. Tracks have been remastered and are at the plant. In the meantime check out HIV here.