Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Bricklayer - Test Press

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We just pressed a new single for the LP. One song from the upcoming full length and one B-side exclusive to the release. Here's a download of the unmastered tracks. The Wall is coming.

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Pukeoid - CS

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Damn, this tape was a pleasant surprise in the mail. This band captures the intensity and vocal styling characteristic of first wave hardcore punk; think Corrosion, the Stains, Bl'ast, Youth Korps kinda feel. I know that's a weird blend but trust me there is a common know, those gruff vocals over chaotic riffage. To put the icing on the cake it's Kevin and Mark's first release: Doug's Tapes #1. Dope tape.

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Marky Plays Marty - Gnats in the Pissa b/w Jackhamma

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Initially I received the above pictured tape in the mail and had no idea what was going on. Mark informed me of what it was and just recently I got a new rendition of the cassette layout. This little cassette is a single Mark recorded called Marky does Marty. He recorded a Lumpy and the Dumpers song and a Cal and the Calories song somewhat Coneheads style. Very dope in fact. Peep it.

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Coneheads - Live at Woodmar Deli CS

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The all stars return for consumption of mass quantities. Live tracks new renditions of old songs, old, cover and new song. More of what you know and love.

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Gas Rag - On The Beach

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The final installment in the Gas Rag legacy, very unfortunately. This EP ends Gas Rag's existence the same way it came in, raging as all fucking hell. The opening track absolutely annihilates and sets the tone for the whole record. Genius. Released in America on Martin's label Lengua Armada Discos and shit looks ballin'.

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