CCTV was one of the projects Mark had done that had a build up to it. I feel like more often than not I will just get a tape in the mail that will blow my mind and I will have no idea it was coming. In the case of CCTV it seemed to have been conceptualized beforehand and the idea was well worth the wait. I'm always ecstatic to hear what comes from the collective hivemind of one of my favorite states for hardcore music... Indiana. I haven't been disappointed since 2012 and I was first acquainted with Ooze on Adjustment tour. Since then it's been nothing but fun and good, good music coming from good, good people so aptly determined to turn hardcore back from on its head where it currently rests. Life is breathed into my lungs when I hear bands made for fun again, good lord is it really that difficult to be genuine my friends? I would argue not. The first two CCTV songs I heard on
Cool Bands and absolutely could not wait for more. I was crossing my fingers that this release would have a song Mark sent me that featured a troll doll dancing in the video but no dice. It does however contain a song from Cool Bands and three brand spankin new beautiful tracks. Can't wait for that troll song I need to use it in a skate edit. That troll also ended up glued into Mark's guitar which he then smashed at Not Dead Yet. Have no fear the troll was recovered. CCTV sounds like punk music inspired by the themes to Ren & Stimpy and all your favorite wild cartoons. And I mean that in the best way imaginable.